23 May 2016

BMD Consulting rebrands to Empower Engineers & Project Managers

We are pleased to announce that BMD Consulting has recently changed business names to become Empower Engineers & Project Managers (Empower).

This new identity has been developed to satisfy all of the existing expectations of what this arm of BMD’s vertically integrated group of companies stands for, including expert and customised services to give exceptional project outcomes for our clients.

The rebrand process first started in 2014 and has undergone a significant amount of consideration by the board, executives and Empower staff. A series of workshops, consultation meetings and surveys were undertaken with our employees to find out what the team thought about the BMD Consulting brand, what it means and what it means to our clients. The information gathered through this consultation period has formed the basis of the new brand.

Empower will continue to deliver superior engineering services and have a strong belief that our experience and evolving knowledge will always provide more, do more and give more confidence to our clients and partners.

We are proud of the final product developed and if you are interested in learning more about Empower’s services, click here.

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