BMD Timeline
BMD has grown from a small Queensland family business to become one of Australia’s largest privately-owned construction, consulting and urban development organisations. BMD’s expansion into new capabilities and the Group’s broader geographic footprint has positioned the company as a major player in the national construction, landscaping and property industries.
Discover our history by scrolling and clicking through the timeline
BMD Group
BMD Group established as a family owned business in Queensland.
BMD Consulting
Establishment of design arm BMD Consulting.
BMD Properties and Major Projects
Expansion into urban development and major projects.
The BMD Group opened its first North Queensland office in Townsville.
Northern Territory
Operations expanded into the Northern Territory with BMD’s Darwin office opening in 1997.
Our Melbourne office was opened in July 1998 with BMD Constructions commencing operations in the region.
NSW and Urbex
Operations in New South Wales began in 2000 and our residential land development company, Urbex was established in 2003.
JMac Constructions
JMac Constructions was acquired in 2005.
Continued expansion in North Queensland
BMD Construction’s Mackay office was established in 2006.
Gladstone, South Australia and Australian Capital Territory
BMD established offices in Gladstone, South Australia and Australian Capital Territory in 2007. Through the South Australian acquisition our building construction capability became part of an enhanced portfolio of services.
BMD Major Projects also merged with BMD Constructions enabling the Group to participate in projects ranging in size from $1 million to over $1 billion when working with like-minded construction partners.
Industrial Division established
BMD Industrial was established, increasing BMD Group’s enhanced portfolio of capabilities and services.
Further growth
New BMD Constructions offices were opened in Geelong, Gunnedah and Newcastle.
Darwin and Emerald
Urbex Realty opens in Darwin supporting BMD’s integrated approach.
North Queensland milestone
BMD celebrates 20 years of operation in Townsville.
Western Australia and Tasmania
BMD opened their Perth office after winning three major projects in the region. Also in 2015, BMD Industrial reached the final frontier for the Group, winning the company’s first Tasmanian project.
2016 Milestones
Empower Engineers and Project Managers
BMD Consulting was rebranded to Empower Engineers and Project Managers.ACT milestone
Our ACT team celebrated a decade of successful operation in the country’s capital. -
2017 Milestones
Office milestones
BMD’s Darwin team celebrates 20 years of successful operation. 2017 also marks 10 years of operation for our Adelaide team.International expansion
BMD Group expands offshore to the Philippines in partnership with locally based company, Prime Metroline Infrastructure Holdings as PrimeBMD. -
BMD celebrated 20 years of operation in Victoria, with JMac Constructions also acknowledging a 10 year presence within the region.
BMD is a national group of companies engaged in engineering design, construction and land development for clients and partners in the urban development, transport infrastructure and resources and energy sectors. Since 1979, BMD has employed a relationship-based business model founded on certainty, collaboration and performance. With approximately 1,800 staff throughout Australia, BMD has the resources and experience to deliver projects ranging in size from $1 million to over $1 billion.